
The Jøtul Group (representing Jøtul AS together with its subsidiaries) is one of the three largest suppliers of fireplaces in Europe and a significant player in North America. The company, with a history dating back to 1853 through its legacy as one of Norway’s oldest companies, distributes stand-alone stoves, inserts, frames and accessories for fireplaces. The Group’s main brands are Jøtul, Scan and Ravelli.

Our products are sold through one of the most wide-reaching global networks in the industry, consisting of own sales companies and distributors. The products reach the end consumers through specialty shops, and in Norway also through building materials retail chains.

Board of directors

The members of the Board of Directors of Jøtul AS are:

Bjarte Bøe, Chair of the Board (independent)
Jan Christian Dyre Moe, Director (independent)
Helene Jebsen Anker, Director (independent)
Anette Johansen, Director (employee representative)
Fred Thomas Johannesen, Director (employee representative)

Executive management

The Group’s executive management team consists of:

Asbjørn Eskild

CEO (joined in 2025)

Brian Steen Ørum

Product Developer (joined in 2017)

Industrial Engineer, Syddansk Erhvervsskole and B.A. Manufacturing, Syddansk Universitet.

Other current commitments include being a board member of Wingreen Energy Saving Window and Door System (China).

René Christensen

Senior Vice President Sales, North-Europe

Bachelor of Science in Management, Handelshøyskolen BI.

Other current commitments include being a board member in Norsk Varme and in Svensk brasvarmeforening.

Guy-Cédric Galea

Managing Director, Jøtul France S.A.S. and South Europe

Diplômé Programme Grande Ecole, EM Lyon Business School.

President Jotul Italia, Jotul Hispania and Administrator AICO Spa.

Bret Watson

President Jøtul North America

Bachelor of Science in Economics and Psychology, St. Lawrence University and Master of Business Administration, University of Vermont.

Other current commitments include being a member of the board of directors at Greater Boston Manufacturing Partnership.

Lars Tore Heggem

Vice President

Mechanical Engineer, Göteborg Tekniska Institut.

Other current commitments include being the chairman of the board at Molde Glasservice AS and chairman of the board at LTH Eiendom og Handel AS.

Adrian Postolache

CFO (joined in 2021)

M.Sc. in Accounting and Auditing from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, and ACCA (UK) membership (masters equivalent).

Articles of association

The articles of association define the company’s operations. They were last updated as of January 29, 2025.
Download Articles of Associations for Jøtul AS: