Our brands
We proudly sell to 43 countries around the world, with a brand portfolio featuring prominent brands such as Jøtul, Scan, Ild, Ravelli, Atra, Warm, Ildstedet, Jøtul Studio, Jøtul Accessories and Jøtul Chimney.

ILD products has environmentally friendly combustion, and are constructed with solid solutions, which ensure that you enjoy the wood stove for many years.

Warm products gives you cost-effective heat, with user-friendly solutions that will bring you warmth and simplicity for any stages of our customers life.

Ildstedet is Norway’s most experienced chain store in the heating industry. With our knowledge and a vast product assortment, we make our customer’s fireplace dreams come true.

Jøtul Studio
Jøtul Studio is a chain store in the heating industry based in Germany and Poland. As experts in fireplaces and wood-burning stoves customers can expect world-class customer service, and product assortment.

Jøtul Accessories
Jøtul Accessories has a large selection of accessories for installing fireplaces and wood-burning stoves. We deliver everything from floorboards, flues to fireplaces, ash handling and chemicals.

Jøtul Chimney
Jøtul Chimney has the market’s largest and most flexible range. It fits all fireplaces, all types of fuel and houses. The chimney system can be angled and side-shifted so that the wood-burning stove can be positioned exactly where you want it.